The North Woods
This section is the northerly most one stretching from the Lake Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge to the Shelburne, New Hampshire Gilead, Maine area. The Wildlife Refuge is rich with wildlife viewing opportunities and features Lake Umbagog that provides great paddling; however, there is some competition from motor boats. The river has a remote feel in many areas, but the urban areas of Berlin and Gorham, New Hampshire are also located in this section. These urban areas offer some good paddling opportunities as well as interesting heritage features including the log drive “booms,” and the Northern Forest Heritage Park.
Downstream from Gorham, the shoreline turns to an undeveloped shoreline characterized by deep woods and occasional homes and farm fields. Fishing is excellent and ranges from cold water fishery in the main stem of the river to a mix of cold and warm water species in Lake Umbagog. Drift boat fishing is a popular sport over a number of sections with moderately moving water. Motor boat use is limited by current and water depth in most areas.
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